Friday, April 15, 2011

Partnerships, Parties and Players

More from Mount Royal, here are our last three bloggers from the Recreation and Community Development class. What an amazing group, a group who have built community together, laughed and learned, questioned and taught me so much more with their combined wisdom through silence, smiles, yawns, stories, artwork and somersaults. I hope you run into one of our MRU bloggers because you will be inspired!

Look for their final projects, from soundscapes and powerpoint quizzes to musical pictorals coming soon!

Jennifer Price shares a "Neat Tool for Partnerships"

Ryan Plysiuk engages key Calgary Flames parties to find out what it might take to build the Flames community into the future
Brent Washenfelder discusses Baseball Calgary's priority of player and coach development at an organizational level. 

Dream, Create, Act

Monday, April 4, 2011

Diverse Communities of University Students

There's diversity in all communities, the students of Mount Royal University are no exception. From snowboarding and the Special Olympics to religious affiliations, the passionate commitment to building and supporting three totally different communities can be seen through the eyes of these three students:

Goeff Edwards talks about how important real-time snow reports bring the snowboard and ski community to the hill
Lindsey Nielsen in on a quest for Special Olympics volunteers 

Kristen Gibb shares her spiritual community

Do any of these resonate with you?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Something to talk about

Read Tim Thurston's blogs on a very unique community, one that doesn't seem to have an identity:

Reid Mitchell discusses community building in Invermere and the importance of political support: 

Joel Teindl talks about his MRU Residence community. He sees a separation between international students and Canadian students and discusses possibilities of bridging the two: 

Anderson Zhuang runs the intramural program at the University of Calgary. Find out about the realities he faces in working with and building the rec program. 

Alan Miller, a varsity soccer player, discusses the responsibility that comes with opportunity. He was recruited to play at MRU.

Nothing like the rich experiences of leaders in the field. While these students are developing their skills and knowledge through formal education, they continue to influence the communities that they live and work in.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Keep your eyes peeled

on these bloggers. Join these Mount Royal University leaders making a difference in their communities as each share their work to enhance and build on existing strengths:

Dawn Burke
Kari Youmans
Jordon Harrison
Kyle L'Arrivee
Matt Swart

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What are emerging leaders saying about community development?

This week five Mount Royal University students are featured bloggers. They talk about communities they're a part of, how the movie "Invictus" relates to Community Development, and discuss a variety of topics, from inclusion to the ARPA. See what our emerging leaders are saying.